Dachshund Pregnancy Calendar Calculator
*Dachshund Pregnancy Calendar Calculator uses an average 63 day Dachshund gestation period (Source: AKC.org). Dachshund gestation period can generally be anywhere from 59-65 days.
Miniature Dachshund Pregnancy Calendar Calculator Replaces the Dachshund Pregnancy Calendar
The Dachshund Pregnancy Calendar Calculator replaces the traditional Dachshund Gestation Chart or Whelping Calendar where you had to count the days until your Miniature Dachshund’s due date. This breeding calculator is no way to take away from the need for you to seek a vet’s professional advice. There are many items a professional vet will notice about proper care for your Dachshund. A female Dachshund’s sexual maturity is around six to nine months of age. This is the same for both males and females. If you don’t plan on breeding your Dachshund, have her spayed. Spaying greatly reduces ovarian and mammary cancer and unwanted litters of puppies. The consensus is generally to have your Dachshund spayed before the first heat.
Miniature Dachshund Gestation Period and Average Litter Size
What is the Miniature Dachshund gestation period? The Gestation Period for a Dachshund is approximately 59-65 days from the first breeding. A Dachshund will not always conceive after one breeding. This Dachshund Gestation Period Calculator above attempts to generalize the estimation of the due date without any additional factors using a 63 day gestation period. Miniature Dachshunds generally have an average litter size of 4 puppies while a Standard Dachshund average litter size is between 4-8 puppies.
Using Our Dachshund Pregnancy Calendar Calculator
GestationCalculator.com is providing this mobile friendly Dachshund Pregnancy Calendar Calculator as a service to the Dachshund community. It’s intended to help website visitors answer the question ‘What is a Dachshund’s due date?’ or ‘How Long Are Dachshunds Pregnant For?’ or ‘How Long is a gestation period for a Dachshund?’ or ‘When will my Dachshund give birth?’. You must enter the 1st day your Dachshund was bred for it to work properly. This is absolutely critical in determining your Dachshund’s due date. So pay close attention once your Dachshund is in heat. Some Dachshund Breeders will find this breeding calculator very helpful, so remember to bookmark it. Also, try using any of our other gestation calculators just for fun! Please direct any questions you may have to askabreeder@gmail.com.